If you are eligible for a scholarship, most of your costs can be covered. Be aware though that some providers may only fund a small part of the study or only the first year. 

The easiest and quickest way to find out if you can apply for a scholarship is through the online search engine from Nuffic, called: Studyfinder



Scholarships from governments

The website Studyinholland from Nuffic informs you about  scholarship programmes which are provided by the Dutch government and/or other Dutch institutions (OTS, Holland Scholarship, StuNed and OKP) and the government of your home country

View scholarship programmes
via Nuffic

Specific scholarships from educational institutions

Check also on the websites of educational institutions if they have specific scholarships available. Sometimes they have extra funds available for a few international students due to donations they may have received.

Scholarship application deadlines

Scholarship application closing dates generally vary between February and April. This means that you need to apply earlier at the university in order to receive the Letter of Admission (LoA) before you can apply for the scholarship of your choice.

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